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« Flow and Mindfulness at Work » training
Revisit your daily professional life to reinforce alignment, meaning, involvement, creativity and joy.

Offered in close collaboration with the Université Savoie Mont-Blanc, HEIG-VD and the University of Geneva, this innovative training enables your employees to:


  • Increase focus, clarity and stability in daily work life

  • Reinforce the feeling of fluidity when carrying out a task or project

  • Encourage creativity and the emergence of innovative ideas

  • Boost teamwork skills

  • Reduce stress, strengthen resilience and improve overall well-being

  • Identify regenerative resources, both internal and external

  • Develop intrinsic motivation at both professional and personal levels

  • Identify your strengths and deepest aspirations

Our academic partners
We have built several collaborations with academic research groups to validate the impact of our activities and the connections between well-being at work, satisfaction, performance, creativity, cohesion and commitment.

Logo Université Savoie Mont Blanc
Logo heivd

Learning methodology

Built over 8 to 10 weeks, with 8 weekly meetings, this training program is based on several pillars:

  • Psychology of Flow

  • Mindfulness and dynamic meditation

  • Positive psychology

  • Neuroscience

  • Emotional intelligence

  • Collective intelligence


It is also supported by an LMS (Learning Management System) e-learning platform, enabling participants to carry out concrete, tailored exercises every day, according to a specific learning progression.

Training content

8 weekly one-and-a-half-hour sessions (face-to-face or via videoconferencing)

  • An inter- or intra-company group program (10 to 14 people) to support, share and benefit from a wealth of experiences.

  • Specific exercises and case studies to do each week via an LMS e-learning platform: short videos, guided audio meditations, questionnaires, readings, etc.

  • Approx. 40 hours of training in total

Next « Flow and Mindfulness at Work » training cycle

Dates: October 07, 14, 28, November 04, 18, 25, December 02, 16 2024
Schedule: Mondays, from 12.15 to 1.45pm
Format: by Zoom
Registration: via Ressource Mindfulness (in French)

On request to Erwan Tréguer
Co-Director of Diamant Formations
Tel: +41 76 429 08 05

Conferences and workshops
Diamant Formations also offers conferences and workshops on the themes of Flow and Mindfulness at Work, specifically designed to meet the needs of companies and organizations. These dynamic, participative interventions, lasting from 45 minutes to 2 days, offer an innovative approach to improving individual and collective performance.

In particular, they enable you to:
Discover and understand the concept of Flow as applied to the professional world: how to achieve optimal states of concentration to maximize productivity while maintaining a sense of deep satisfaction.

- Experiment with mindfulness and meditation exercises: concrete tools for reducing stress, improving concentration and fostering a serene work climate conducive to collaboration.
- Develop individual strategies to be more efficient in your field of activity: strengthen your ability to manage priorities, improve decision-making and increase job satisfaction.
Channel your mental energy to better manage the increasing pressure and demands of the professional environment, while remaining aligned with your personal and professional goals.
Enjoy an inspiring and rejuvenating collective experience: strengthen team cohesion, develop collective intelligence and stimulate commitment, with methods that foster collaboration and mutual trust.

These sessions are designed to help companies create a more harmonious work environment, where employee well-being and the achievement of performance objectives go hand in hand.

How to increase concentration and productivity with Flow?
A very interesting 7-minute video presenting the main features of Flow.

Want to find out more?
We would be delighted to answer any questions you may have, to give you a more detailed presentation of this training, and work with you to define an intervention plan that makes sense for you, your teams and HR department.

Erwan Tréguer

Co-Director of Diamant Formations and corporate speaker
Tel: +41 76 429 08 05

Jean-Philippe Jacques
Co-Director of Diamant Formations and corporate speaker
PharmD, PhD
Tel: +41 78 761 62 01



« This training provides concrete tools for strengthening attention and concentration and fostering empathy and deep listening in our relationships. An inspiring training for those who feel the need to refocus amidst hyperconnexion and over-solicitation resulting from today's ways of working! »
Patrice Aubry, General Secretary, RTS

« Applying what's been taught means moving towards something better for everyone in a team at work. I've already been able to make direction changes in my team management, with visible results. »
Dr. Hervé Spechbach, Doctor in charge of the outpatient emergency unit, HUG

« This course gave me valuable tools to improve my concentration, productivity and well-being at work. I am convinced that this will also be very useful to you! »
Giorgio Pauletto, Head of Strategy and Innovation, SIG

« Many thanks for this beautiful and rich training! It has come at just the right time in my new career path and I look forward to experimenting it with the various tools available. »
Edwige de Tao, Gestionnaire technico-commerciale, Raffin Assurances


« This training has given me the opportunity, by deepening my meditation practice and acquiring new tools, to better initiate, stimulate and prolong these magical moments of Flow. A highly recommended course! »
Sigrid Freiburghaus, Coach, AXA

Conferences, workshops, team building or training courses:
our formats can be adapted to your needs and internal practices.

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